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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How Fast is Too Fast?

I have a 20 mile commute from home to school. I don't know if any of you are familiar with any of the road ways in Connecticut, but I guess you can say it is your typical commute. I travel from Waterbury to Farmington, on Route 84, and then back again. It's not too rough like the highways in NYC, or LA for example. As I cruise along at 75mph, ten over the speed limit, and in some cases 15mph over the speed limit. I can't help but notice that everybody is flying by at at least 80mph. Its bad enough that my car is fast enough already, by being passed while I'm in the fast lane, assuming that I am traveling rather fast, by a minivan loaded with kids watching "Shrek 2." I know cars are considerably faster, and also that much more safer. I don't understand how people would really want to risk that much by driving at insane speeeds. If you have a thirst for speed, great, but there is no need to be driving like Jeff Gordon in your Tahoe. This may seem like a rant by someone who drives slow, but to feed my speed I just go the track. How much time are you really saving by going that fast? Is it really worth the risk?


  1. Of course it's not worth it. Some people just think it's Them vs. The Road.... no, there's other people on the road with them, and they should act civilized while driving. This isn't Forza 3-- it's real life, and if you crash, there's no "restart" button.

  2. The speed limit in freeways here is approx. 81mph. I'm usually driving at 80-85. Sometimes I accelerate up to 90mph when i'm passing another car, but I never drive faster than that. Though a lot of people here are driving faster than 100mph, some people are even driving as fast as 120mph in their family cars and I think that saving time by driving at such speeds isn't worth the risk. 90mph is the top speed in public roads for me.

  3. I remember plenty of times driving on the freeway hitting at least 90 mph and getting tailgated by minivans. I remember one time being tailgated by a Sienna. I had two tickets already and didn't want to take the chance so I let her pass me up. As it turns out she had kids in the back AND was talking on her cell phone. I just don't get some people, taking huge risk with children involved.

  4. (Speed Devil here) Idk man, I'm just a speed demon, I mean if I got a full car, I take it easy, but since I don't go to a track (Can't afford it atm), I just fly down the Freeway, usually doing 75, although if there's no cops and it's all clear, I'll go as fast as I feel like going

    That said, I won't be stupid, if it's crowded or w/e, I'll just take it easy, but yeah

  5. For everyone, it is different. The older you get, the slower your reactions become, and the mor powerful your magnetism to old Rovers/Toyotas. That said, it's not speed itself that kills, but difference in speed. So an 80 year old travelling at 20mph in a 60mph zone may cause more harm than someone travelling 100mph.
